Monday, July 11, 2016

The Mediterranean Diet Can Change Your Life

As someone who has lived in the South of France and enjoyed the Mediterranean diet for a long period of time, I cannot give enough praise to this way of eating and looking at food. The time tested philosophy of Mediterranean cuisine is quite simply: Food, like life, is to be savored.

Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean countries of Spain, France Italy, Greece and much of North Africa are constantly reminding us that food and eating is intended to be an art. Too often we forget this, and we eat only as a daily requirement and not for pleasure. In the Mediterranean diet, it's not just the food that's special, but also the way in which food is prepared, served, shared and savored. It's true that the basic ingredients that make up this diet (i.e., fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, olive oil, nuts, cheese and red wine) are quite healthy - there's really no debate about that. But what is also important is the cultural significance of eating, and the time that is spent preparing and enjoying the experience. You will almost never encounter a rushed meal around a Mediterranean dinner table. Meals linger for hours, as delicious fresh food is eaten slowly and savored.

The Mediterranean diet is not a fad diet, but rather a way of life. It's an extremely healthy alternative to crash regimens and crazy workout routines, and the best part about it is that it's simple to incorporate into your own life. All you need to do is eat from the Mediterranean food pyramid, and recommit yourself to changing your philosophy regarding food. Once you start reaping the health benefits of Mediterranean cuisine, you will regret you didn't start earlier. Most diets are unhealthy and unnatural, so why put your body through that unneeded stress. Enjoy the flavor and satisfaction that comes from cooking Mediterranean diet recipes.

Another critical component of the Mediterranean diet is freshness. It is essential to note that people who live by this cuisine use natural, fresh ingredients. Very little food consumed in this diet is packaged or processed. It's natural, fresh and almost always native to the region. This goes not only for the produce, but the meat, fish and dairy products as well.

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